Drop-In Visit (Dog) Rates:


30-minute drop-in visit in pup’s own home for feeding, potty and play time/walking.


Regular – $22/visit

Add’l Dog – $5/visit

Holiday – $27/visit (applied to first dog only)


Please see Holiday Calendar to know which rates will be applied.


*NOTE: A per booking (not per night) fee of $3 will be applied for our Healthy Pet Warranty program. For more information, click here.






Drop-In Visit (Cat) Rates:


30-minute drop-in visit in cat’s own home for feeding, litter box cleanup, and play time.


Regular – $22/visit

Add’l Cat – $5/visit

Holiday – $27/visit (applied to first cat only)


Please see Holiday Calendar to know which rates will be applied.


*NOTE: A per booking (not per night) fee of $3 will be applied for our Healthy Pet Warranty program. For more information, click here.